Saturday, 5 November 2011

Changes to Projection

Despite our enthuasiam towards our 'modern day propaganda' we decided that it would be too repetitive and wasn't leaving it open enough for the audience to find their own meaning and wouldn't create the images we want on the abstract part of the video. Therefore we decided to make it more abstract and straying away from propaganda towards subliminal messaging. We reserached subliminal messaging used in advertisments and the theory behind subliminal messaging, finding these two videos as examples of different types of subliminal messaging.

Obviously, we could not use an existing commercial with sulbiminal messaging as it has been decreed illegal in  advertisement and films. Similarly, we could not creat effective subliminal messaging as this is illegal, but our projections for the abstract and narrative sequences would effectively be 'mock' subliminal messaging giving the impression of it. To tie this in with the image of the band; one of anti-establishmentism, almost anarchic we would center our projections around modern day topics. This is also the reason for the change from propanganda as we determined that propaganda is a less relevant topic to our target audience.

These projections would have to consist of mostly images as it is the most clear medium aside from text, but text is not interesting enough, frankly. The topics we would center them around would be the recesssion/economic state/riots, drugs/the health system, the glamourisation of death and sheer abstract brainwashing. Also in keeping with the lyrics of the song 'Somebody mixed my medicine, I don't know what I'm on' we would intersect the images with images of a pill to hopefully show that in some sense the media/projections have become the medicine.
Or in the true sense of subliminal messaging, the audience will not necessarily notice and go back to intepret the true meaning!

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