Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Preliminary Filming Task Evaluation

My group were filming in the editing suite for our preliminary task. Even though this location was not our first choice we found that it worked as a setting as it reflected the gritty nature of the actors' perfomances and the idea that the focus was on the dialogue and the actors rather than the setting. In context, it became verisimiluted. I mostly took the role of director whilst filming, directing the type of shots, when we started and finished filming and whether we need to retake a shot.

In terms of lighting, we did not use any added lighting; only the lights in the editing suite however this lighting would be described as quite hard and light, as it is very bright in the studio and the light is colourless. This was not key to the scene however if the light had been dark then the expressions of the actors would have been less visible and the scene would have been less convincing. Also the harder light was more effective than if we had used soft lighting as the dialogue would have seeming a lot softer and there would be a lighter atmosphere, which was not our aim.

When setting up, we made sure that the tripod and camera were set up correctly, for example we bubbled the tripod to set the level so that the camera was level for the filiming. We also made sure each shot was framed correctly, however we did make a few mistakes with this, however they were not used for in our finished film. Also we were wary that our equipment was not seen in the background of shots however it can be seen in the reflection of a window in one of the shots. We also chose each shot carefully, for instance we used wide shots, two shots, and close ups. I was carefully to choose low angle shots to portray one character as having more power and status than the other. We also regarded the 180 degree rule and broke it specifically to make the scene less easy to watch, ie. the audience would need to concentrate.

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